Less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden announced his decision to drop out of the upcoming presidential election, Vice President and now-Democratic nominee, Kamala Harris, couldn’t wait to talk about abortion.  

Using euphemisms like ‘reproductive freedom’ and touting the same old ‘bodily autonomy’ rhetoric, Harris’ message is nothing new. It’s one she’s been sending for decades: abortion should be legal in any circumstance through all nine months.  

A Harris presidency would be disastrous for human rights.  

The science is clear: a new and distinct human being comes into existence at fertilization. At that moment, a baby’s sex, ethnicity, hair color, eye color and countless traits are already determined. Life at this stage, and every stage, is precious and should be protected and defended.  

Equal protection for all people is the bedrock of our legal system. Our leaders should fight to defend the human rights of all people – and life, the right not to be killed – is the first human right.  

Harris refuses to protect the human rights of the most vulnerable Americans. In fact, she is all too willing to partner with the abortion industry, which profits from the killing of our most vulnerable children. 

The vice president has become the administration’s ‘abortion czar’ – the media thinks she will ‘supercharge’ the Democrats’ message on abortion.  

But that’s not all.  

Perhaps the only political issue Harris has approached with more enthusiasm than abortion is using the legal system to persecute Americans who engage in efforts to protect preborn children.  

Harris has staked her entire political career on targeting preborn children and the brave citizens who speak on their behalf. If given the powers of the American presidency, which has authority over the Department of Justice and the FBI, the results for the cause of human life — the defining human rights issue of our time — would be nothing short of catastrophic.  

We’ve already seen what she does with that kind of power.  

Kamala Harris chose to use the influence of her position as California’s attorney general to prosecute journalists who exposed alleged federal crimes rather than those who allegedly committed crimes — all in violation of her oath of office as attorney general. 

This cannot be allowed to escalate. Free speech is a cornerstone of American liberty. Investigative and undercover journalism are vital aspects of the speech protected by the First Amendment. Every public official has a duty to defend the rights we are guaranteed in our Constitution, and any act contrary to those rights should disqualify someone from serving in public office.  

Another cause for concern is Harris’ track record of supporting efforts to undermine the mission of California’s pregnancy resource centers.  

These centers exist to lovingly embrace pregnant mothers and offer tangible resources to help these families, often including medical care, diapers and other material assistance ranging from housing aid to job placement.  

Pro-life resource centers are crucial to help equip women to successfully become mothers, especially in California which is known for having some of the most pro-abortion policies in the nation. And it’s no surprise Harris has been at the heart of many of them. 

For example, in 2015, then-Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that required pro-life and faith-based pregnancy centers to provide abortion information, even if it’s against their deeply held religious beliefs to do so. Violators faced fines of up to $1,000 for each infraction if they refused to promote abortion in their facilities. 

Harris co-sponsored the law in California and made it a part of her platform as she ran for the U.S. Senate. Thankfully, this law was struck down in 2018 by the Supreme Court, which ruled that it was unconstitutional. 

Reality is stark: It took action from the highest judiciary body in the United States to ensure the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable in our nation.  

Perhaps the only political issue Harris has approached with more enthusiasm than abortion is using the legal system to persecute Americans who engage in efforts to protect preborn children.  

It should never be questioned whether every human being has the right to life and equal protection under the law from the moment of fertilization. We shouldn’t have to wonder if every American really has the right to speak up and advocate on behalf of those society casts aside.  

Americans deserve a leader committed to preserving our fundamental rights, not one who wants to deny protection to our youngest children and jail Americans for life-saving activism. That’s what will happen if Kamala Harris becomes president. She’s done it before, and she’ll do it again. 

This post appeared first on FOX NEWS

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